Powerful Onsite SEO Strategy For Your Website

If you're running a website for your business yet not sure about the right way of Onsite SEO optimization, then this blog post will teach everything about the Onsite SEO optimization correctly and step by step.
Wasim Akram
Blog Post Author
Last Updated: February 22, 2022
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You can find thousands of authority websites talking about Onsite SEO strategies, but very less of them talk about Onsite SEO strategy for existing websites.

If you are running a website from a few months or years but get to know about proper SEO strategies now.

Hence you are realizing that whatever you have been doing in the name of Onsite SEO since you had started your website all were wrong, but you don’t know how to rectify all the mistakes and optimize your website pages for proper Onsite SEO.

Then you have landed in the right place because this article is only dedicated to people like you, and in this article, I will teach you everything about the right Onsite SEO strategies dedicated to your existing old website in a proper way.

So without wasting more time let’s get started…

Onsite On-SEO Analyzation For Overall Website

Before taking any steps you need to know your current position in terms of Onsite SEO.

Therefore the very first step would be analyzing everything that you have done previously for Onsite SEO since the beginning day of your website, then you need to note down everything for future comparison.

And this is a really important step because to rectify your mistakes you need to know them in the first place.

In this way, every next step would become easier for you.

To analyze the overall Onsite SEO of your website just take a pen and paper, then start to remember and note down everything that you have been doing for the SEO purpose till now.

As soon as you will go through my strategies following the below steps of this article you would gradually start to understand that what steps you have done wrong and how to rectify and update them with proper SEO strategy.

Re-Optimize On-Site SEO

Since you have started your website you must have done so many stuff for the on-site, but now it’s time to update and reoptimize the on-site SEO of your website.

SEO re-optimization is same as SEO optimization but in this case, you have to properly update almost every stuff that you did for SEO in the past.

In this entire section, I will be discussing the various parts of on-site SEO, therefore you just follow each step to make your website SEO friendly in the eyes of search engines.

1. Use Google Search Console To Find Keywords

When your website is quite old and it is already connected with the Google search console, then you can take a huge advantage of this.

Just head over to your search console account then check what are those search terms that people are using to find your website, or in other words, you can say what are those search terms that are bringing impressions to your website.

Here you have to think little creatively, first, you have to check that which page is getting impressions for what keywords, also the search console will show you that where that page is ranking on the search results for those keywords.

Therefore just see if the page is ranking within 1-10 page on the Google for a particular keyword, as well as the keyword is bringing a good amount of impression to the page.

Now note down those keywords and try to add those keywords within the same page of your website in a natural way that it should be blended within the page and compliment the overall topic of that page content.

2. Replace Keywords On The Pages With Topics

Stuffing keywords in the article and achieve ranking for that keyword on the first page of Google is now obsolete.

This kind of shady SEO practice worked at the beginning days of the search engines when there were fewer contents available on the internet and the ranking factors were easy as a pie.

But the time has been changed over the years, and now there are millions of website available to create contents on daily basis also now Google has so many ranking factors that are controlled by the dedicated artificial intelligence algorithms such as Panda and Penguin.

Therefore today it is not that easy to rank for a keyword using old shady SEO practices.

Now if you want to rank your website on Google and other search engines then you should focus on creating contents based on a certain topic and not just a keyword.

Because Google algorithms are much intelligent to understand the search intents of the people, and they know better that which search phrases belong to which topic.

As for example; if someone type search phrases or keywords like Writing skills, Content creation, Blog post topics then Google better understand what they are looking for Content marketing which is the main topic and those keywords belong to this only.

Once you use the topics instead of keywords for your pages then you should update your entire content around that topic, which will automatically include all the related keywords that belong to that topic.

3. Update Existing Meta Tags Properly

As soon as you update your entire page contents with the proper topics, now it’s time to optimize the meta tags properly to make your pages more SEO optimized for the long run.

There are mainly four kinds of meta tags that exist and in this section, I will let you know what are those and what is the use of them.

Keyword Tag

A keyword tag is an HTML meta tag element that is used in the content a few times along with its other variants to give search engines signal that what this content is all about.

Although this is an obsolete practice and Google doesn’t require this keyword tags to understand the content topic anymore, still, I would recommend you to use the keyword variants within your content that belong to the topic of your page content.

Also, you should include the correlated search terms to your main topics and the belonging keywords within your content a few times.

Pro tip: never do keyword stuffing within your content, always try to blend your topic, keywords, and correlated keywords within your content with proper context and requirement.

Title Tag

The title tag is an HTML meta tag element that is used to describe the topic or theme content in a brief manner, which usually gives signals to the search engine regarding the topic of the content as well as it’s good for user experience.

Every page has its own title section and you should use this section as a weapon to attract the attention of the users as well as search engines.

Therefore to create a killer title there are a few things to keep in mind;

  • The title should be within 7 to 8 words
  • It should contain your main topic at the beginning
  • The title should create curiosity to gain attention
  • Use strong emotions (eg; amazing, best) within the title
  • If possible use numbers within the title
  • The title should tell the story and describe the content
  • Don’t use unnecessary words within your title

If you properly follow the above-mentioned strategies to create your title, then you would end up creating a killer title tag for your page.

Description Tag

The description tag is an HTML meta tag that is used to describe and summarize the entire content in a brief manner.

Search engine and people use the title and description tag to understand the content topic more precisely before even digging deep into the page content.

After the title tag, this description tag is one of the most important factors in on-page SEO.

Therefore you should pay special attention while writing a description tag for your page to make your content more compelling and attractive as well.

Most of the time Google and other search engine take the first paragraph of the page which is just below the title tag to use it as a description tag to show this on the search results.

But you can use the RankMath SEO or Yoast SEO plugin to write a proper description tag for your web pages so that search engines take that as the description tag instead of the first paragraph.

Note: Even if you write your own version of the meta description tag using the RankMath or Yoast, still search engines will decide themselves that what portion of your page should be used as a description tag.

Robots Tag

The robots tag is an HTML meta tag that is used to control the search engine crawling for your page and contents using Index, No-Index and Do-Follow and No-follow tags within the content or in the head section of the page.

Earlier in my other article, I already told you that you can use the RankMath or Yoast SEO plugin to no-index the pages that are zombie pages and not useful to show the people and search engines.

You can use the dofollow tag to the links within your content that you want search engines to crawl and index, and no-follow tags to the links that you don’t want search engines to follow and index.

4. Update Image ALT Tags

Adding beautiful relevant image makes your content more powerful and appealing that I already told you earlier in this article.

But if you see an image from the SEO perspective then let me tell you that search engines cannot understand the topic and the emotion behind the image as like the human do.

Here comes the image alt tag, which is used in the content to indicate Google and other search engines to understand the topic and emotion behind that image.

And hopefully, you already know this fact from the earlier.

Therefore you need to add an alt tag to every image of the post and that tag should be relevant and compelling to your main content.

In this way, search engines will also understand that what the images are all about that are exist on your page, and they can serve it as the image search result for a particular search query

5. Do Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of the most important SEO factors for your web pages.

It is not that complicated but yes involves some works, which worth your time and effort you put into this.

When you do proper internal linking Google discovers more of your pages through those links and index them much faster.

Internal linking helps you create a branch of links on your website and when some of your pages are already ranking on the search results, then linking your other pages from those already ranking pages would also boost the ranking for those pages as well.

And the reason behind this is that the pages already ranking have more authority in the eyes of search engines thus linking other related pages would pass the link juice to the other pages as well and increase their page authority as well in the long run.

A few things to keep in mind when you’re doing internal linking on your web pages;

  • Don’t use the exact keywords as the anchor texts to link other pages instead try to make it natural
  • Consider creating a few cornerstones posts that cover in-depth information about the topics
  • Create sub-topic posts that complement those cornerstone posts and then link those sub-topics from those cornerstone posts
  • Also, link those cornerstone posts from those sub-topic posts
  • Whenever publish a new content just go back to the old posts and link the new ones from the old ones

If you follow these tips properly then, in the long run, you will eventually end up ranking most of your content in the search results.

6. Use Headings (H2), Sub-Headings (H3), Numbers (1,2,3), Bullet Points (•)

Now the final thing you have to do is to structure your page contents properly in the right manner so that Google and other search engines can understand the context and topic of your page properly.

Now you just need to follow this simple method which I am going to share with you and you are good to go.

Just keep in mind that to create the proper structure you need to break down your page contents section by section using H tags, bullet points so that people can read it easily even if they just want to skim through the page contents.

So first thing is that you need to use H2 tags for every heading you are going to use within your content, and then H3 tags for subheading under the H2 headings and then H4 tags for subheadings for H3 headings and so on…

And to make things more clear you also need to use bullet points, numbers for list types of contents within your page.

If you follow these tips and structure your page content properly then it will dramatically increase your website’s user experience and people will spend more time on your pages which is a good signal to Google for ranking you higher in the search results.


Although this blog post was not that huge in size as compared to my other blog posts still it is so valuable for all the website owners who want to improve their search engine rankings by properly optimizing the web pages with on-site SEO.

All the shared strategies might look very normal to most people but let me assure you that these normal things could sink your website rankings if you don’t do them in the right way and even if you are doing Offsite SEO and Technical SEO properly.

Therefore I felt like sharing all the important steps you should follow to properly optimize your onsite SEO.

If you think this article is helpful for you then I strongly suggest you check my other article about Historical SEO optimization which is also dedicated to the existing websites and not the brand new ones.

Other than that if you are new to the SEO world and need someone to help you with these SEO strategies then you can contact us so we can help you optimize your onsite SEO.

Also if you are planning to build a new website for your business with a proper onsite SEO done from day one then check out our remote agency as we create SEO-friendly websites for growing businesses.

Thank you very much for spending your precious time reading this article, if you like this blog post then please share it with your community so that others can also improve their website’s onsite SEO.

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Article Author
Wasim Akram
Hello myself Wasim, I’m from the city of Mother Teresa Calcutta (currently Kolkata), which exists in India, a country of unity in diversity.I belong to the sales and marketing field with 10+ years of experience. In December of 2017, I switched my career from a 9 to 5 traditional job to the digital entrepreneurship.Currently, I am a Google and HubSpot certified Digital Marketer, a WordPress Specialist, Web Designer & Strategist and the founder of SyncWin.
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