If you’re looking for an easy and simple way to produce short videos for Instagram Reels to grow your Instagram account and gain brand awareness, then in this post I will teach you the step by step beginners friendly ways to produce Instagram Reels that will bring thousands of videos views faster than ever.
Nowadays people prefer to consume short video content over any other form of content hence it is very important for brands to produce video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels as it has huge potential to help them to spread their brand awareness faster.
However just because it takes too much time and effort to produce video content thus most of the time we ignore it to stay away from the hassle and that’s what SyncWin was doing as well.
So I started looking for an easy and simple solution and that’s when the idea clicked my mind; why not use other people’s videos who already achieved something in their lives and make reels out of them with proper credit mention as it would create a win-win situation for both parties.
Hence that’s when I started creating Instagram reels implementing the above-mentioned idea which shocked us with an incredible result of 58000+ views on SyncWin’s Instagram Page just within a month.
When I saw this awesome result we decided to share with you the 3 Steps method that we used to get this result which you can also implement for your Instagram business account within your industry.
So without taking any more time, Let’s start it:
For creating a video first you have to see what is your niche and then have to find out the videos around your niche from reputed channels on YouTube.
I mostly use videos from TedTalk and other channels similar to it. For example, SyncWin is a place where you can learn Digital Marketing, Business, and Entrepreneurship so we are collecting videos that talk about these topics.
However, there is no problem with using a short portion of others’ videos as long as you give proper credit to them. And it even makes some people happy when you use their video in a positive way and also mention them on that reel video description.
Check out below how the speakers commented on the video reels repurposed from their videos and posted on SyncWin’s Instagram account.
Not only that, but one person also started following us on Instagram have a look below. Isn’t that sound amazing that you are using their videos and they are praising and following you for that.
Now let’s get to the topic, first, you need to find an informational video within your industry. After selecting the video calmly sit and watch it carefully to find the portion which you think is a good advice for your audience and you want to use the exact portion for your Instagram Reels then download that entire video using any video downloader tool and trim that particular portion using any video editing tool.
Tip: Instagram allows up to 1 minute for reels and it should be the ratio of 9:16.
As the first part is completed, now it’s time to head over to the next step, which makes your video more interesting and appealing and that is adding your brand logo and the subtitle on the video.
First, let’s see how to add your logo? You can do it very easily using the free version of Canva if you don’t know how to use it then there are many tutorials available on YouTube just watch one of them and you will understand how to do it.
After adding the logo head over to generate the subtitles which can be done using any voice-to-text tool that will help you to generate text from the voice of the speaker. In my case I use HappyScribe for doing the job, I just upload the video into the HappyScribe dashboard and it takes a few minutes to do the work and produces voice-to-text with almost result with 90% accuracy.
As soon as the subtitle is ready you need to include it in the video and try to sync with the speaker’s voice with the help of a video editing tool to make it more appealing and entertaining for the people as it will let the people listen to voice as well as read the subtitle of that video at the same time.
Then, just properly recheck to see if everything is fine and adjust it as per your needs like adjusting the font size, or whether you want to show your subtitle middle or down of the video, etc., and once you’re satisfied with the result just render and download the video.
Congratulation! Now your video is ready to be uploaded on Instagram Reels.
Now, it is time to do one of the main works which will decide how much engagement you will get on your video and that is finding the right hashtags for your video.
Also, you need to write a short and concise description of your post to make things more understandable and apart from that, you should also give a clear call to action which you want your audience to perform.
And I will share with you the 3 simple steps to find the best hashtags:
Step #1: First, see what is your niche and find the top hashtags that are being used around your niche, after doing that just play around with those hashtags and use their variation.
Step #2: Always remember the hashtags you are using should be relevant to the video, in simple words don’t use them just for getting views as it is not going to work but it will be considered spam.
Step #3: The third step is don’t always try to use new hashtags use old ones which match your video. For SyncWin we use hashtags like #entrepreneurship, #business, and more like them on almost all of our reels as it represents the topics of our brand and you should also do the same.
Bonus Step: The bonus step is to find out what are hashtags your competitors are using and on which videos they are getting the most views so that you can use them as well as it will help you to get more engagement in your reels.
Tip: I also want to recommend you use 20 to 25 Hashtags.
Once your video, description, and hashtags are ready you can upload and publish the video to the Instagram Reels which is an obvious step but still, I didn’t want to miss out on any step thus I mentioned it as well.
In this article, I have shared with you our Instagram Case Study which helped us to get 58000+ views on our SyncWin Instagram Account just within a month. I hope you liked this and will implement the techniques which I shared in this post to grow your Instagram account using the power of reels.
If you think this post was helpful to you then don’t forget to recommend it to those people whom you think should read this blog post. Also if you are getting any thoughts related to this post then feel free to share them in the comment section below.
At last, if you want to join SyncWin on Instagram to see our progress then you are welcome to do so following the link https://www.instagram.com/syncwin/.
Thank you so much for reading 🙂