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WPDataTables Showcase: Alternative to Ninja Tables & TablePress

wpDataTables is a best-selling WordPress table plugin that makes your work with tables, charts, and data management easy. 40,000+ companies and individuals already trust wpDataTables to work with financial, scientific, statistical, commercial, and other data.
Tool Highlights
A brief and concise overview of this tool at a single glance
  • Build responsive, fully customizable tables, charts, and graphs for your WordPress posts or pages
  • Customize your table with premium features like responsiveness, conditional formatting, multi-criteria filtering, and more
  • Edit tables on the front-end and back-end, plus give users permission to view or edit table data
  • Best for: Businesses and freelancers who want an easy way to showcase data on their WordPress site
Pricing Model
Video Source: wpDataTables Official YouTube Channel
Tool Description
A detailed overview of this tool to learn more about it

wpDataTables is a popular WordPress table plugin used to quickly create data tables & table charts from Excel, CSV, XML, JSON, PHP and other data sources. Use our WP table plugin to represent vast amounts of complicated data in concise, user-friendly way using tables or charts.

The main benefits wpDataTables provides to its users are saved time (as it automates displaying data on the website and allows to do so without investing time in coding) and no need to learn coding (creating a WordPress table like in wpDataTable would require development without it).

Tool Features
Explore the main features of this powerful tool.
  • Create responsive data table very easily: Responsiveness is a feature that allows presenting the same content differently depending on the display size of device that is used to view it. More about process of creating a responsive table in our docs Responsive table in WordPress. Your tables will be 100% functional, and they will look great on all screen and devices.
  • Create datatable from Excel: Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool and one of the most efficient software for graphic-analytical and tabular data processing. With wpDataTables, it’s even more powerful in WordPress environment. .XLS and .XLSX formats are also so common for storing data simpler, faster and more intuitive. Checkout more details in our documentation about How to create WordPress tables from Excel files where you can find and video tutorials as well.
  • Make data table from CSV: The CSV, or “comma-separated-values” is a widely used format; It is lightweight, simple, can be generated by almost any software, and created manually by users. Beside ‘comma’, wpDataTables support ‘colon’, ‘semicolon’, ‘vertical bar (pipe) and ‘TAB’ as CSV delimiter. You can find detail instructions on the link How to create WordPress tables from CSV files.
  • Generate data table from XML: XML – (Extensible Markup Language) is a universal standard for presenting data. A lot of web services “run” on XML, and wpDataTables supports XML as an input data source as well. Find in our docs How to create WordPress tables with XML.
  • Build WordPress table from JSON: JSON has become the ‘de facto’ standard for packing data on the web and wpDataTables also supports the JSON format as an input data source.
    Learn How to create WordPress tables from JSON in our documentation.
  • NEW! Create data table from Nested JSON: As you know, with wpDataTables you are able to create a table linked to an existing JSON file that need to contain a one-level array of same-structured objects, but not any more. Now you are able to choose root path where is your data with or without JSON Authentication. More info in our docs about Creating data tables in WordPress from nested JSON
  • NEW! JSON Authentication: Most of JSON APIs are locked, password protected, and can’t be accessed without some authentication. wpDataTables support basic authentication and also custom headers where you can provide details needed for authentication for that specific JSON (for example API keys, tokens, etc.). More info in our docs about JSON Authentication.
  • NEW! Cache tables data: We are introducing a new feature that will dramatically increase the loading performance of your tables created from existing data sources like CSV, Excel, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array. More details in our docs about Caching tables in WordPress.
  • NEW! Auto update table cache from source file: This new option is related with previous option caching tables. If you are updating your source file frequently, and want to keep the data in the table updated after a custom interval, the new feature Auto update cache from the source file will be perfect for you. You can read more in our docs about Auto update cache from source and cron job instructions.
  • Develop dynamic WordPress table from Serialized PHP array: For developer users, or users who are at least somewhat familiar with PHP language. Learn how you can prepare a PHP file and How to create WordPress tables based on serialized PHP arrays in our docs.
  • Create Responsive Charts: Responsive Charts in wpDataTables can be created with a step-by-step chart creation wizard in WordPress admin. More about chart wizard and chart customization options in our docs about How to create responsive charts in WordPress.
  • Editing charts: Editing charts with wpDataTables plugin is very easy – everything is done with the same wizard used to create them – the only difference is, the data is already prefilled. More on link Editing charts in WordPress.
  • NEW! Grouping data in Charts: Charts in wpDataTables have a very useful feature: grouping – the values of the rows with the same label will be summed up and rendered as a single series. More in our docs about Grouping data in WordPress Charts.

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