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Woo Discount Rules Showcase: Alternative to WooCommerce Smart Coupons

Discount Rules for WooCommerce helps you to create any type of bulk discounts, dynamic pricing, advanced discounts, percentage discounts, product based discounts, tiered discounts for your products.
Tool Highlights
A brief and concise overview of this tool at a single glance
  • Run amazing discounts on your Woocommerce store and boost your sales
  • Alternative to WooCommerce All Discounts
  • Give an exclusive offer to your customer and create a win-win situation for both of you
  • Best for Woocommerce store owners who need a tool to run exclusive discounts
Video Source: Flycart Technologies Official YouTube Channel
Tool Description
A detailed overview of this tool to learn more about it

Offer Product quantity-based discounts, cart-based discounts at a percentage or fixed amount, or discounts based on total order. Create Buy One and Get one free (BOGO) deals and increase your sales multifold by offering dynamic pricing and discounts based on categories, products, user roles, cart items, purchase history, and much more in the pro version.

You can set discounts for products and product variations. You can also set discounts based on categories, attributes, customers, and user roles in the pro version. Discounts will be visible on the product page, product details page, cart, checkout, and in email notifications.

Display the pricing discount table beautifully on the product page. Start selling more and retaining customers by running promotions with the best dynamic pricing and discount plugin for WooCommerce.

Tool Features
Explore the main features of this powerful tool.
  • Bulk Discount: Create bulk discounts in three simple steps. The discount can be for the entire store/categories/products/attributes. It can also be based on the order total. You can create unlimited bulk discount rules.
  • Store-Wide Discount: Offer a 10% discount across the store and go live within a few minutes. It just takes 2 steps to create a discount.
  • Quantity-Based Tiered Discounts: This is the same as the bulk discount. You can create a tiered bulk discount.
  • Buy One Get One Offers: Create any type of BOGO offer. The plugin supports Buy X Get X, Buy X Get Y types, and also conditional BOGO offers like Buy product A and get 50% off the cheapest in the cart. So the discount can be either free or a limited percentage as well.
  • Percentage Discounts: Both the price-based and cart-based rules support percentage discounts. You can create any type of percentage-based discount including a conditional, dependent rule.
  • Fixed Cost Discount: The fixed cost discount can be offered per product/category. You can also set up a fixed-cost discount that applies to the entire cart.
  • Discount for Product Variations: You can configure a discount for a single variation or for multiple variations. You can also choose to provide discounts for one variant across products. Example: Blue color gets 10% discount.
  • Attribute-Based Discounts: Offer discounts based on the product attributes (which were created using the WooCommerce Attributes and associated with the products).
  • User Role Discount: Discount rules can be limited to specific user roles. Example: Wholesale customers get a 10% discount across the store/categories/attributes/cart.
  • Free Shipping: Offer free shipping to customers if they meet certain conditions. Example: Free shipping for orders over $500.
  • Order Total-Based Discounts: Create offers based on the total order value. Example: 5% discount for all orders above $1000.
  • Shipping Address-Based Discount: Offer discounts based on the shipping destination of the customers. Example: Customers from the US get a 10% discount. It could also be based on the zip/postal codes.
  • Coupon-Activated Discounts: You can create a normal WooCommerce Coupon code and associate it with any discount rules. So whenever that coupon is applied, the associated discount rules will apply. This way, you can just activate multiple discount rules with a single coupon code.
  • Combo Offers: Club two or more product categories and creates an advanced product combo discount. Buy One quantity of Product A and One quantity of Product B to get a $50 Flat Price discount.
  • Purchase History Discounts: Create discounts based on the purchase history of the customers. Example: 10% discount for all customers who have purchased for over $1000 in their previous orders.
  • First Order Discount: Encourage first-time customers to purchase with a coupon code and an associated discount rule, which checks if the customer has not made any previous purchases.
  • Flexible Discount Display: Use our advanced layout for a discount table to showcase the discount on product pages in the way you wanted. Use your own wordage instead of the built-in default texts. That way, you have better control over what you express.
  • Alerts: Showcase an alert when the discount is applied on the cart page and bring a smile! People love when they receive a discount.
  • You Saved - Text: Show a “You Saved” text at the line item and/or the total column in cart and checkout. People love when they save money! Add more reasons for smiling and improve the checkout experience.

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