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Pipio Showcase: Alternative to Hour One

Pipio is a text-to-video platform that allows users to create personalized video content featuring realistic AI avatars.
Tool Highlights
A brief and concise overview of this tool at a single glance
  • Generate personalized videos starring photorealistic digital actors and voiceover talent
  • Customize text-to-speech script, upload audio files, and create custom video content in 79 languages
  • Alternative to Hour One
  • Utilize using AI to make personalize videos
Video Source: AppSumo Official YouTube Channel
Tool Description
A detailed overview of this tool to learn more about it

Now you can cast photorealistic virtual actors for your videos, without having to worry about casting calls and tight budgets. Search for AI-powered avatars across different ages, ethnicities, genders, and races to find the perfect brand ambassador.

Not only can you choose from a diverse roster of actors, you can also preview dialog and vocal performance to optimize scripts. With more than 825 voice and accent options across 79 languages available, your message can reach a global audience.

If you want to speak to your audience directly, you can also voice the digital actor yourself using an audio recording. You can even make your own avatar! Just submit video footage and Pipio will generate an avatar only available to you.

From there, you can easily submit scripts for your actor to read by entering text directly or uploading a voice file. Even if you’re not a video editing pro, you can whip up professional content using their video editing interface.

Pipio lets you add music and various on-screen elements, including custom text, colors, and shapes. Plus, you’ll be able to choose from thousands of stock images and backgrounds—or upload your own.

Tool Features
Explore the main features of this powerful tool.
  • Turn Your Words into Videos: Easily create videos in minutes with your own on-demand digital actors. You do the typing, they’ll do the talking.
  • A Gamechanger for Content Creators: Filmmakers, marketers, entrepreneurs, and creatives - of all levels - are using Pipio to produce their short social media videos or full-length e-learning courses with the click of a button.
  • Diverse Selection of Digital Actors: At Pipio, They recognize the importance of representation and diversity in media. With an ever-expanding roster of racially-diverse actors to choose from, they continue to strive for equality and diversity to attract and inspire all audiences.
  • Videos That Speak Your Language: These days, brands must now appeal to a global audience if they want to succeed. While not everyone has the luxury of being fluent in more than one language, with Pipio, you can customize your actor’s script to be delivered in over 20 unique languages. What better way to create a personalized message that speaks to your audience's background?

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